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(Fresh, Frozen & Salted)







Redfish (Ocean Perch)

Inshore Fisheries Limited has been harvesting groundfish species for 30 years. We now harvest all of the traditional groundfish species such as cod, haddock, halibut, flatfish and pollock. More recently we have also begun to diversify into redfish and silver hake.

  Our fleet of five vessels, from 45 to 63 feet, are well equipped to catch, handle and land all of our quota allocations efficiently and quickly which provides the best quality fish. A detailed description of all our fishing vessels is provided. (if you want to see a detailed description of each vessel, please click here.)

  We have large holdings of groundfish allocations, as well as a very prominent presence in the new developing Georges Bank Yellowtail and Silver Hake Fisheries.

  Our company is on the cutting edge of new harvesting technologies on the east coast of Canada. We have been very successful in using new developments, such as: sorting grates, square mesh and separator trawls.

  We also have been well aware of the temperature sensitivity of fish and have various computer controlled temperature probes to monitor andy changes.

  Our company has as well, trawl monitoring equipment to ensure that our trawls are properly set and performing to maximum levels.

  Of particular interest, we are involved with the ITQ industry funded inshore groundfish survey. In its fourth year, it provides some of the best information on the status of groundfish stocks in the 4X area. This information is now being used by DFO scientists in the 4X stock assessment process.

  We are always interested in buying or trading quotas and licenses. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

boat action shot

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©2004 Inshore Fisheries Limited
Last modified: May 24th, 2004